Saturday, April 25, 2015

Week 3 Results!

Week 3... We're 1/4 of the way through this!

"The future is worth it. All the pain. All the tears. The future is worth the fight." -Superman

Week 3 Results: 

Matthew Bowe2.1%
Melissa Robison1.8%
Amy Bowe0.7%
John Bowe0.6%
Susan McCoy0.3%
Ben Robison0.2%
Together, we lost a total of 4.9 lbs!
*Result of multiple weeks due to missed weigh-in

Week 3 Challenge Results:

Thanks to everyone who completed the water challenge. The winner of the jump rope is:
David Bowe!
Message me and I'll deliver it to you.

Week 4 Challenge:

This week's challenge is cross-training. Last week seems to have kicked a lot of us on our butts. The sun is out and school is ending. Summer is about to begin and the last thing we want to do is diet and exercise. This challenge is about renewing your conviction by starting a new routine or varying the exercise strategy you already have. You can enter your name in the drawing if you do one of the following everyday this week:

  1. Switch to different activities: Does the stair-stepper in the left corner of the gym have your name on it? Next time, head to the rowing machine. Sneak into a step class. Try something new.
  2. Vary how you train: If you walk regularly, some days you can walk slowly over a long distance, and other days you may want to alternate walking and jogging. Other days you may want to focus on walking a mile as fast as possible. You can also utilize items in the environment to get you working harder: If you see steps, walk up and down them, walk backwards and sideways, walk up hills, and so on.
  3. Splice same-old, same-old workouts: Instead of one long run, insert some stair climbing every time you run past a stairway. Or if you're in the park, do step-ups on every fifth park bench you see. Get off that stationary bike midway and run for five minutes on the treadmill.
  4. Try different moves with different tools: You don't have to use the same set of dumbbells all the time. A new wave of resistance equipment is flooding the gyms, giving you hundreds of more ways to do the same old exercises. Use stability balls, weighted medicine balls, exercise bands, balance boards, a step, barbells, weighted vests, and so on.
  5. Up the ante: Push yourself a little bit harder than usual: Run faster, increase the weight you lift or the number of sets you do, perform a more difficult version of an exercise, pair up exercises together to superset, or change the order of the exercises you do in a session.

What will you win?!

  • Steps 0-99,999
  • Distance (Preset Stride)
  • Calories
  • 98% Accuracy


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Week 2 Results!

Week 2 is done, but we are far from finished.

Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.

Week 2 Results: 

David Bowe*4.0%
Joy Bowe*3.3%
John Bowe1.6%
Linda Bowe1.3%
Susan McCoy1.1%
Jenny McMurtrey*0.9%
Ben Robison0.9%
Amy Bowe0.3%

Together, we lost a total of 27.6 lbs!!!!
*Result of multiple weeks due to missed weigh-in

Week 2 Challenge Results:

Thanks to everyone who completed the nutrition challenge. The winner of the exercise ball is:
Amy Bowe!
Message me and I'll deliver it to you... or I live with you... 

Week 3 Challenge:

This week's challenge is water. That's right, drinking water. It's an amazing fact that we statistically are not drinking enough water daily to stave off the effects of kidney stones, gastrointestinal and urinary tract cancer, not to mention slow metabolisms and increased appetites and severe mood swings. Read more at
It is recommended that you drink 6 to 8 cups of water every day. Do that and you'll be able to enter the drawing. 

What will you win?!

A brand new Valeo Exercise Jump Rope!!
  • Adjustable-length jump rope designed for speed training
  • Rope measures 10 feet long overall and can be shortened to any length
  • Durable solid rubber rope construction
  • Molded handles with foam grips for comfort
  • Sealed ball bearings for even rotation


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 1 Results!

Week 1 is over! Now you can eat cake!!

Well, you can... you shouldn't... but you can. Anyway...

Week 1 Results: 

Heather Bowe3.00%
Chris Kennedy2.80%
Matthew Bowe2.50%
Susan McCoy2.50%
John Bowe1.80%
Ben Robison1.50%
Amy Bowe1.40%
Linda Bowe1.20%
Melissa Robison0.60%
Jacob Cantwell0.30%

Together, we lost a total of 39.6 lbs!!!!

Week 1 Challenge Results:

Thanks to everyone who completed the nutrition challenge. The winner of the exercise ball is:
Chris Kennedy!
Message me and I'll deliver it to you.

Week 2 Challenge:

This week's challenge is exercise. Losing weight, as we know, is all about input and output. Last week's nutrition challenge organized your input, the foods you eat. This week, we'll focus on your output, the energy you use to accomplish things. 
You will be able to enter the drawing if you exercise while maintaining an elevated heart rate for at least 10 minutes each of at least 6 days. 
There are a billion ways to track the exercise that you do. I personally use Endomondo, but find a fitness tracker that works for you.

What will you win?!

  • Angled spout provides an ergonomic drink interface that delivers a high flow of water without sloshing or spilling
  • Spout cap snaps into handle to prevent it from getting in the way when drinking
  • Handle designed to comfortably carry a full liter of water
  • Wide-mouth opening is easy to fill with ice and water and a breeze to clean
  • CamelBak Got Your Bak Lifetime Guarantee


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Aaaaaaaaaaand we're off!!!

Thanks to everybody who came by the house this morning to weigh-in and have fun. We actually have more participants than I thought we would! More the merrier.

Final Prizes are, of course, based on the number of participants and we had enough sign up to do the following:

1st Prize- $350
2nd Prize- $225
3rd Prize- $125

Those numbers are definitely exciting enough to keep us all motivated.


Speaking of prizes, we will be having a drawing each Saturday for everyone who completes the weekly challenge in order to win small fitness related prizes.

This week's challenge will be NUTRITION.

That's it!

For me, the daily amounts were: 
Grains-         10 ounces
Vegetables- 3.5 cups
Fruits-         2.5 cups
Dairy-         3 cups
Protein Foods- 7 ounces

I'm sure yours will vary. Good luck! I'll see you on Saturday!